To protect your peace, you must filter out anything that disturbs the waters of your soul.
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Our most basic purpose in life is to be happy, whatever that means to you.
Being happy requires a healthy environment, both internally and externally. So it’s important to remove obstacles that get in the way of your inner peace.
Protecting your peace is like hitting a necessary reset button on your aura.
The aura can be thought of in many different ways, but to keep it simple, just think of it as your mood or energy.
It’s like a mental filter that affects the way you view life.
If your aura is filled with mostly positive energy, then you feel good. When you feel good, then you’d see your day as a good one, and focus mostly on the good things that happen.
If your aura is mostly negative, then you’d feel pretty bad. As you can imagine, you’d see your day as complete crap and probably be waiting for it to end.
Why is this important?
Your aura is more contagious than Covid-19, especially to more empathetic people.
So for example, when someone smiles at you, naturally, you smile back and feel good inside.
On the other hand, when your partner storms in after a rough day, you start to feel a little tense too.
This happens because our auras are connected, some more than others, depending on your relationship with that person.
So, since our energy is so impressionable, it’s important to take steps to guard and protect it.
Your aura can affect your physical and mental health.
Research actually proves that stress can have a major impact on your physical health as well as your mental.
It can negatively affect your immune, digestive, cardiovascular, sleep, and reproductive systems.
You can have headaches, sleeplessness, sadness, anger, or irritability. Long-term effects of chronic stress can actually result in heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Also, stress causes anxiety and depression.
So, there are MANY reasons to protect your peace. Here are a few ways that you can achieve that inner peace and happiness that you’re searching for.

5 Ways to Protect Your Peace
1. Meditate.

It’s important to note that the way you feel is actually a choice.
I know this sounds weird, but hear me out. You can actually choose the kind of day that you want to have.
Of course things happen that are out of our control.
But meditation will help you master your emotional reaction to these outside stressors.
‘Mind over matter’ sounds like a corny cliche, but in reality it encompasses the nature of meditation and mindfulness.
J Cole is a rapper that promotes mindfulness and meditation. Obviously he’s not a meditation guru, but he’s on his self care journey like the rest of us; learning and growing as he goes along. And I can respect that.
He made a song called ‘Meditate’ that encourages young people to practice meditation to cope with stress, instead of doing drugs.
He says that he doesn’t want to “be a slave to“ his thoughts and emotions.
He even went a little deeper in this interview and stated that he understood that the media can affect your thoughts and emotions.
This touches on the contagious nature of your aura. It can be affected by anything you allow into your life!
So, take a few minutes throughout the day to center yourself.
Whether you do that by praying, practicing mindfulness, sitting in silence, listening to music, or writing.
This time is meant to slow down your racing mind.
Visualize yourself inhaling positivity and exhaling stress. This is a proven method of enhancing your mental well-being.
->Click here for a meditation guide for beginners to get you started!<-
2. Stay off social media.

Like I stated in the last tip, the media has a huge control over our emotions. People go to school to learn how to affect the public’s thoughts and opinions.
From Covid-19 to police brutality – and not to mention our “lovely” president – it’s no wonder why mental health is such a major topic today.
Add that to the insecurities that social media gives us in general.
Social media makes us compare ourselves in ways that damage our self image. Just take this meme for example:

It’s also hard to see certain pictures of our friends that show that they have life figured out, meanwhile we’re still trying to figure out the difference between a 401k and a Roth IRA.
Do yourself a favor, and just throw your phone out of the window!
Ok, not really, but get away from social media as often as possible. Protect your peace and ignore that notification bell for an hour a day, minimum.
3. Pamper yourself.

Self love is so important! Being kind to yourself actually counteracts any negativity that may have creeped into your life.
Treat yourself, you deserve it.
Take an hour or a whole day every week to do whatever the heck you want to do! Don’t respond to texts or calls if you don’t want to.
Heck, turn that phone off if you need.
Here are a few ways you can be kind to yourself:
- Go to the spa and get a deep tissue massage.
- Take a warm bubble bath, with extra bubbles, and some bubbly too, while you’re at it!
- Buy yourself something nice.
- Take yourself out to dinner and a movie.
- Blast your favorite song over and over again.
- Dance like no one’s watching.
We all deserve a little TLC every now and then. It’ll recharge soul.
4. Clean your space.

Don’t you feel more at peace when your home is clean and organized?
Redecorate or add some plants to make your space feel more peaceful.
Your environment plays a huge role in how you feel. Your home is your sanctuary, so treat it as such.
Get the feng shui right and redecorate to change the entire vibe.
5. Pay attention to your triggers.

Is there a person that gives you anxiety? Does a specific place make your stomach tense up? …a topic? …a phrase?
Being more aware of what brings negativity into your life is the best way to take control of it and distance yourself from it.
Don’t be afraid to cut off toxic people, even if they’re family.
If your job has you stressed out more often than not, then it may be time for a vacation. If you come back and it still doesn’t feel right, you should consider a new position.
BONUS TIP!!! Change Your Perspective

This may sound easier said than done, and in some cases it is.
But, your perspective literally defines the quality of life that you’ll have. So it’s important to maintain control.
For example, you can choose to give people the benefit of the doubt if they say something questionable, instead of taking it the worst possible way.
Or you can choose to hope for the best, instead of worrying about the worst thing that can possibly happen.
Looking for the good in life, even during a tough situation isn’t easy, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
As you practice at this and get better, you’ll notice that things in life will start to feel better, overall.
“I learned early on, that while a place can affect peace, perspective is one of its largest contributors.
Zoe Hunter
In Conclusion
Protecting your peace is extremely important to your quality of life.
These techniques will help, especially if used together. It’s kind of like a self love package deal.
Get rid of negativity and distractions.
Focus on what brings you peace. Take your mental health seriously, please. The consequences ARE life threatening.

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36 Responses
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These are all great tips. I need to start meditating though. And the social media part is kind of hard since is comes with the job description
It’s actually pretty awesome that your job involves being on social media (I’m kinda jealous lol). But yes girl, your “me” time is important! Treat yourself, you deserve it I’m sure.
i love these tips but you can’t always stay away from negative people. They are everywhere at work, school…all you can do is not letting them ruin your positive energy.
That’s pretty true. While you can’t get away from every negative person, you can limit your time with them. And if work is full of that many negative people, then maybe you should reconsider where you work.
You’re never stuck anywhere.
I like the idea of filtering out anything that disturbs your soul. It’s an interesting way to look at your life and help you avoid negativity and clutter.
I am very susceptible to picking up other people’s moods, especially of those I care about, so this is something I have to be very mindful of. I often know even before they do when something is off or wrong! That said, I’ve had to cut several toxic people from my life and feel so much better for it. It’s hard when some of it is family, but my mental health is all the better for it.
I’m the same exact way! I’m also an empath. And I used to let any vibe affect me – positive or negative. It makes it even more important for people like us to protect our peace.
Cutting off toxic people is probably the hardest thing for me to do, but it’s definitely the most important. I’m glad you could see some positive effects.
Paying attention to my triggers has been the most helpful way for me to maintain my positivity. I used to get upset so easily at certain things and I couldn’t figure out why. Soon I realized they were related to me feeling embarrassed or vulnerable and once I realized the real emotion behind why I was being triggered by these situations, I felt like I had more control over them!
That’s big of you. Being able to identify that on your own isn’t easy. It takes a lot of introspection. Godd for you being able to better yourself!
For me, protecting my peace and that of my family’s is avoiding toxic people and tasks that are not rewarding. These two have helped me weed out negative energies in my life.
I’m the same way. Sometimes it’s hard to cut certain ppl off that have become toxic in your life (I was actually stuck in a toxic relationship w/a significant other… very tough to leave), but it’s an absolute necessity to maintain your peace of mind.
Thanks for sharing, love 💕 ☮️
Those are some great tips in keeping your peace. Sometimes it’s good to take a break from everything and relax. I usually pamper myself with treats and spas and stay away from social media for a while.
Thanks for the reminder. I really need to meditate and learn how to keep away from social media for even one day a week.
At least an hour or two per week. Start small and then grow from there. Don’t overwhelm yourself!
I love the message here. I now meditate daily and I am loving it. My mental health is so much better now.
Definitely glad to hear that. Stay grounded in love, sis 💕
Doing something for self care and your mental health can definitely help a lot with protecting your space. Also removing yourself from situations or removing things that cause you to feel negative can be beneficial for sure.
I totally agree. Right know I try to change my perspective every time. I found that it help me control my temper an allowed me to be calm in every situation.
That’s true. I’m glad you see the first-hand benefits of shifting your perspective. It’s not always easy to do, but it definitely pays off!
These are such greats tips I have to work on better applying. I think we can definitely all benefit from a little more meditation and less social media in our lives!
So true!
I’m struggling with protecting my peace at work right now, so this piece is timely for me. Thank you so much for sharing!
Social media is such a big trigger for negative emotions. I felt it so many times and if I feel low I just try to stay off it for a while.
A social media hiatus is definitely a must, it’s so satisfying every now and then. 😌
Excellent and inspirational advice! Letting go of horrible things in our lives can be the hardest thing we can do for ourselves, but by holding onto negatives we only manage to further upset our auras and good vibes. It’s so important to protect our own peace.
Absolutely! It’s all about good vibes✨ Thanks for the support.
Yes, what great advice. I do this often. Sometimes I need a break from social media, and it’s wonderful.
It’s so necessary sometimes!
This was a good read and well written. The parts about the aura were my favorite – bioelectric field that others can feel. It’s not easy to maintain our energy in this world, especially when there are so many people and so news to drag us down. Taking care of ourselves and letting of the things that cause us pain is one of the hardest things to do in life. The spiritual war within feels eternal.
I’m glad you’re helping to fight the good fight and lifting people up. Keep doing what you do, as there are many who look up to you! The site looks good and has a soothing color scheme as well.
Thank you for sharing!
— Tandem
Thanks for the kind words! This blog is definitely dedicated to “fighting the good fight” and keeping people motivated, so thanks for the reassurance!