Is it okay to guilt trip someone into doing something you think is best for them? This is in reference to my last post, where I had to manipulate my boyfriend into staying home because we thought he had Covid.
I felt like it was the right thing to do because he could’ve possible infected a lot of people he worked with. But he told me that I made him feel bad about it.
But I mean, after getting tested, we now know that he definitely had Covid, so looking back, it was technically a good thing to “manipulate” him.
But that begs the question, when is manipulation a good thing?

We both had pretty valid perspectives. But I didn’t like making him feel bad. I just wanted to do what I thought was best.
But that’s the thing… he thought he was doing what was best too, by going to work.
The only way we could really determine who was right and who was wrong, was by the outcome of his Covid test.
So help us out. Try and imagine that we DON’T know the test results yet. Based on both of our arguments, who do you think was right?
Be honest.
From His Perspective
He didn’t want to miss work because we had travel plans for the holidays and he was trying to save PTO.
Plus he didn’t even think he had Covid. Even though he had symptoms, they were very mild, so he didn’t think anything of it.
From My Perspective
We’ve seen many people die from Covid. Some people have symptoms, while some don’t. Even the asymptomatic people spread Covid unknowingly.
So whether his symptoms were mild, or even non-existent, I didn’t think he should go to work and risk putting someone else’s life in jeopardy.
Based on what we’ve seen so far this year, I thought it was a bad idea for him to go to work without getting tested first.
So Who’s Right?
Without knowing the test results, who do you think was right in this situation, me or him? 🤔
And when is manipulation actually a good thing? 🤔

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