I was so excited to do my first Blogmas!
For those that don’t know what Blogmas is, it’s like Vlogmas, but for writers. In December, vloggers and bloggers post Christmas related content every day until Christmas.
For my first Blogmas, I was going to do something different than the average Christmas Playlist or Recipe. I was going to write a Christmas Story!
I had the idea all thought out.
It would be loosely based on my experience moving in with my boyfriend for the first time, battling relationship woes, family drama, and just figuring out life.
But then the unexpected happened.
I got Covid.

The head-honcho of all diseases in 2020. As if my writer’s block wasn’t enough, this illness put the nail in the coffin for me.
I’d been procrastinating on my idea for so long that when I got sick, I said forget it, and I stopped thinking about the Blogmas project all together. My motivational pool had dried out completely.
So much time had passed; I was way behind on deadlines. And more and more, the story seemed like a stupid idea, so I gave up.
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But then I thought… Why not share my quarantine experience?
I mean, it’s a new disease that scientists are still learning about. This could be a historical moment for future generations to look back on, you never know.
Thinking about it like this gave me a newfound obligation to share my story.
Maybe you’ve recently tested positive for Covid, or you have family that’s going through it. I’m hoping that this could ease some anxiety you might have about it, and give you an idea of what to expect.
Click here for online help coping with anxiety during quarantine.
I’m also hoping this’ll brighten your day a bit. Maybe you’ll get a good laugh, maybe cry a little, and be somewhat entertained. But most of all, it’ll spark a bit of inspiration and creativity for you during quarantine.

I’m going to share the good, the bad, and the outright hideous! You’ll have a realistic idea of what to expect when you get Covid, and what I did to get better in under 14 days.
I’ll also share how amazingly wonderful and awful it was to quarantine with someone else, just a month and a half after moving in! You really learn a lot about a person when you’re trapped with them for 2 weeks!
My Blogmas Schedule – What to expect?
I’m going to try and post every day from now until Christmas, but if I miss a day or two, then hey… it happens.
I’m going to be honest with you, don’t expect perfection. My first Blogmas will definitely have plenty of mistakes.
The number one thing I’ve learned you’re NOT supposed to do during Blogmas is miss a day of blogging. But since it’s already Dec 3rd, that ship has obviously sailed!
In order to make this happen, I literally HAD to just give myself freedom to screw up, which I’m learning is okay to do.
Something that inspired me During Quarantine.
My blog, Flaws And All, is literally about embracing your flaws and all, go figure!
I realized that my writer’s block came from my fear of failing. I didn’t want to mess up! But that’s such a silly thing to be scared of, especially if it’ll stop you from even starting.

If you really, really want something, and it’ll make you happy, why let something as small as fear stop that happiness?
Related: 9 Things Stopping Your Success
During quarantine, I watched a video of Jennifer Bricker’s story. This woman was a featured performer on Britney Spears’ Circus Tour and was also the first handicapped high school tumbling champion in the state of Illinois.
What was her handicap, you ask? She was born without any legs! But she didn’t let that stop her.
That’s when it clicked for me.
If Jennifer didn’t let something as challenging as being born without legs stop her from being one of the best athletes, then why am I letting something like fear stop me from sharing my story?!
In Conclusion
This is the first post of many for Blogmas 2020 – The Quarantine Edition – The Covid Edition – The Prison Break Edition! (Seriously, it often felt like being stuck in a prison so much that taking out the trash turned into an adventure!!)

I’ll be sharing my quarantine story, how I caught Covid, what it was like having Covid, and what I did to get better and pass the time. I’m going to give you the real. It might be TMI at times, but this is for science and our future generations!!
I’m hoping that my experience will relieve some anxiety for you if you know someone that recently tested positive for Covid. And hopefully this series will brighten your day a bit!
Subscribe to stay up-to-date on my quarantine adventure and pick up some inspiring words along the way. If email isn’t your thing, like my Facebook page or follow me on Instagram to stay updated.
Also, if you’ve had Covid before, leave a comment and share your experience.
Check out part 2 of the series here.

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