Your Words Have More Power Than You Think

Your words have more power than you think.Pin
You are more powerful than you think.

What If…

You are the Puppet master of your own life.Pin

What if I said you have the power to control your reality? Would you believe me? Or would you think I was crazy? Well, it’s true, I’ll prove it.

I’m sure you’ve had a bad day, where it felt like everything was against you. Like being stuck in traffic when you’re late for work; or dealing with a difficult customer that ‘knows your job better than you do’.

Now on the contrary, when you have a good day, little things like this don’t bother you. If you were running late for work, you’d just text your boss and everything would be fine. Those mean customers wouldn’t get to you, and you’d laugh at the small stuff. You’d probably even share a meme about it!

What This Means
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Everything starts with a word. That word becomes a thought, which becomes a feeling, a perspective, and then finally, a reality. It could be either positive or negative. So essentially, you have the power to choose what kind of day you’re going to have.

Think of the universe as one big ocean. Instead of water molecules, it’s filled with thoughts/feelings; which we’re going to think of as “energy particles” for now (stay with me lol). When you get enough water molecules together (which are invisible to the naked eye), you can actually see the liquid water; it manifests into reality. Likewise, when you get enough of the same “energy particles” (or thoughts/feelings) together, that energy becomes visible in your reality; it manifests. (read that again)

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Think of the world as one big ocean of thoughts and feelings.

Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us.

The Law of Attraction

Your aura is magnetic. So the more negative “energy particles” (or thoughts/feelings) you surround yourself with, the more that negative energy will build up and become more visible in your reality; it will manifest. In this post, I explain more about what an aura is and how it works.

Why Should I Care?

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  • You have the power to manifest the life that you want to live.
  • What you say, goes; so you must choose your words wisely.
  • You can educate your loved ones and help improve their lives too.

If You’re Struggling With Negative Vibes…

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The best way to combat negativity is to boldly declare positive affirmations into your life. It may seem silly to those that are new to this ideology at first. But if you wake up every morning and start with positive energy, according to The Laws of Attraction, you’re more likely to end your day on a good note.

The more you speak something over yourself, the belief grows stronger.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying life will now be sunshine and rainbows. But you will notice a shift in how you feel over time, which is everything. Remember, it starts there. Here are a few positive affirmations to get you started:

  • I am strong.
  • I am resilient.
  • I am successful.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am perfect, flaws & all.

“I am…” is one of the most powerful ways to start a sentence. There’s a reason this phrase is in religious texts like the Bible and the Quran. These words declare who we are to ourselves and others. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it defines your reality.

Moral Of the Story…

Your words/thoughts have the power to lift you up or break you down; that’s what defines your reality. Discipline yourself to speak in a way that conveys respect, love, and humility; and that will manifest in your life.

Now that you have the knowledge, what are you going to do with it?


Everything starts with a word. Words have power.Pin

15 Responses

  1. I was JUST thinking about the power of words with our kids. It really makes a difference in what kind of day they have too. I love how you explain how words can form our perspective on life. What a powerful message!

    • Yes! I have a 3yo baby sister that’s struggling with this. She says “I can’t” far too often. I’m trying to boost her self esteem early on, so that she doesn’t get so down on herself when she needs help with something.

  2. YESSS! I loved this, so true! I love the analogy with the ocean, it’s very graphic and simple to get for those who do not believe in the power of the words! Great post and reminder and also great lesson for those who do not know about it!

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed this! And I liked the graphics you included as well. Yes, words are definitely powerful and one must be mindful to always say positive things and refrain from being judgmental and saying something you usually regret.

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